




职业(英语:job),是一种 日常性的规律劳动,其目的在于 换取劳动所得(也就是薪资),以维持生活所需,亦象征 在社会上的 地位和名誉 等等。职场上的专门行业,是对劳动的分类。职业是社会分工的产物,在西方 商品经济发达的社会中,通常指 具有一定专长的社会性工作。划分的方式很多,也没有定势,通常 以所从事的产业或行业为主,并结合工作特点 混合使用。职业 在英语中 对应于profession或occupation,作为术语概念 有差异。


职业生涯规划(Career planning)——置顶



职业生涯管理(Career management)——置顶

Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one's own professional career. Career management was first defined in a social work doctoral thesis by Mary Valentich as the implementation of a career strategy through application of career tactics in relation to chosen career orientation (Valentich & Gripton, 1978). Career orientation referred to the overall design or pattern of one's career, shaped by particular goals and interests and identifiable by particular positions that embody these goals and interests. Career strategy pertains to the individual's general approach to the realization of career goals, and to the specificity of the goals themselves. Two general strategy approaches are adaptive and planned. Career tactics are actions to maintain oneself in a satisfactory employment situation. Tactics may be more or less assertive, with assertiveness in the work situation referring to actions taken to advance one's career interests or to exercise one's legitimate rights while respecting the rights of others.